

Give and Get Back! Mississippi Tax Credit

Donations to MFFK qualify for dollar-for-dollar tax credits up to $2,400 for couples and $1,200 for individuals! Businesses also qualify for dollar-for-dollar tax credits through the ECO program.

Mississippi tax credits must be filed online by the donor-


Donors will need to submit:

1. Receipt of donation

2. Confirmation from MFFK- we email donation confirmations out each month

3. A filled out QCO form


Business donors need to submit:

1. A W-9- provided by MFFK

2. Letter of acknowledgement for their contribution- provided by MFFk

3. Copy of the payment 


We depend upon the contributions of our Community!

Mississippi Families for Kids is funded through individual donations, business contributions, Wendy's franchisees, and through our annual Children's Golf Classic. Funds given to support the agency not only support the finding of permanent homes, but also contribute to the building of strong families, the development of secure kids who grow into productive adults, and an increase in stronger communities.