About Us

Mississippi Families for Kids is a statewide, private 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with the mission to ensure that every child in foster care and in the child welfare system finds a permanent home.
Established in 1994 and incorporated in 1998, Mississippi Families for Kids is funded through individual donations, business contributions, partnerships with state agencies, Wendy’s franchisees, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and through annual fundraisers such as the Children’s Golf Classic and Champion for Children's gala.
Mississippi Families for Kids was initiated to implement child focused, solution based, permanency-planning programs for the State of Mississippi. Top priority is given to those children who are presently in the adoption and foster care system. The agency also serves those families who are at risk of coming into the child welfare system.
Many of the children we serve are hard to place, such as older children, those with special needs, and those who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. These children are often moved from foster home to foster home, which leads to a sense of instability and distrust. Children coming from this kind of living situation often develop negative behaviors such as lying and stealing. These children are more likely to drop out of high school than other youth, commit violent crimes, have difficulty finding stable employment, frequently depend on public assistance as adults, and often find themselves homeless.
The MFFK staff consists of licensed certified behavior specialists and social workers who have received extensive training both locally and nationally in a wide range of child and family service areas. With over 100 years of combined experience in social services, we understand that children and families require individualized services and are prepared to utilize our expertise to meet the needs of our community. Our caring, passionate, responsive team of professionals encourages you to reach out to us with whatever family needs you may have.
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