Youth Leadership Camp

YLC Flyer 2019

Youth Leadership Camp is an annual week-long day camp that is held for middle to high school students in the Jackson and surrounding areas. The purpose of the camp is to equip students with the skills, resources and information they need to finish high school and enter higher education. The camp also acts as a motivational guide to enhance core traits necessary to be leaders among their peers. During the week, children engage in activities that teach self-esteem, teamwork, integrity, determination and independence. Children are encouraged to set achievable goals for themselves that will ensure positive outcomes for their future. They are also given the opportunity to participate in visual art, music, dance, and cooking classes.

The event will be on July 8-12, 2019 at Christ United Methodist Church located at 6000 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211.

Please register at

Contact Us if you have any questions at 601-957-7670.