Exciting News: Mississippi Children’s Promise Act Doubles Tax Benefits!

We have some fantastic news to share with our Mississippi Families for Kids (MFFK) community! In 2023, the Mississippi Children’s Promise Act received a remarkable upgrade, doubling the tax benefits for our generous supporters. You can get up to $2,400 back on your MS tax return for couples and $1,200 for individuals.

What Does This Mean for You?

1. Increased Impact: Your contributions to MFFK now carry even greater weight. With the new tax benefits, your support goes further in helping Mississippi’s children and families in need.

2. Immediate Returns: If you owe Mississippi taxes, this is an absolute no-brainer. By donating to MFFK, not only do you make a positive impact on your community, but you also receive substantial financial incentives when it’s time to file your state tax return. This tax benefit is dollar for dollar! Give a dollar, get a dollar!

3. Amplified Change: For 25 years, MFFK has been at the forefront of creating positive change in Mississippi. These enhanced tax benefits ensure that our impact continues to grow, reaching more families and making a real difference.

How Can You Get Involved?

  • Donate Today: Your donation will play a crucial role in furthering our mission to support Mississippi’s children and families.
  • Spread the Word: Share this exciting news with your friends, family, and colleagues. Encourage them to join you in making a difference through MFFK.
  • Stay Connected: Follow us on social media to stay updated on our programs, accomplishments, and the incredible impact your contributions are having in Mississippi.

Let’s celebrate this remarkable milestone together and seize the opportunity to build a brighter future for Mississippi’s children and families. It’s a win-win!