Intro to our CARE Program funded by the GEER Grant


Free resources for children, families, and educators experiencing setbacks due to the Pandemic

There is no doubt that the pandemic has effected our daily life. We’ve seen a dramatic impact on our youth’s emotional, social, and academic growth in the last two years. If not addressed, these issues can have a lasting effect on their development. That is why we have pursued the Governor’s GEER Grant. Upon receiving this grant, we were able to create our CARE program that allows us to offer free services that support children, families, and educators that are experiencing emotional and social strains due to the pandemic.

Our CARE program services include: monthly, virtual parent support group meetings, developmental screenings for children, evidence-based curriculum implemented by MFFK’s clinical counseling department, and monthly teacher trainings.

We are thankful for the continued support from donors and grantors that allows us to offer solutions that address current issues our children and families in Mississippi are facing. We’ve already seen a tremendous amount of growth in Mississippians’ lives due to the CARE program. We’d love for you to take advantage of these services or refer a friend. You can contact us at 601-957-7670 to enroll in this program or learn more.