Mental Health Awareness Month Recap


Thank you for helping us spread awareness in May about mental health.

Here are some steps you can take to improve your mental health-


Being proactive when addressing mental health issues or any concerns that affect a child’s life in a negative way is key to their success. We provide individual, family, and group therapy as well as teacher and parent training to support the growth and success of the whole child.
Since the onset of COVID 19, our counseling program has observed an increase of anxiety, depression, and social/emotional disturbance among clients receiving services. To address these issues, we have implemented a wraparound approach to serve our clients through the use of evidence-based curriculums such as Incredible Years and Skill-Streaming for every population served from elementary to high school. Our therapists have intentionally been making more in-person visits with clients while at school and in the home, which has resulted in an observable decrease in behavioral incidents.
If you are interested in our services, you can contact us at 601.957.7670.