Become a RROC Mentor

Kinship Blog

Relatives Raising Others’ Children (RROC) are grandparents and other relatives caring for their kin’s children. There is so much to be learned as these families become acquainted with the systems involved with caring for a child.

MFFK is seeking kinship mentors to have regularly scheduled weekly meetings face-to-face or by phone, email, or text with new caregivers to support them as they navigate these systems. It is our belief that peer support can be an incredible asset to new caregivers as they venture more deeply into their roles. The outcomes for children in kinship care are generally seen as positive in terms of identity formation, stability of placement, behavioral and mental outcomes, enabling siblings to live together, and child protection.

If you are interested in becoming a kinship mentor, please contact Wilhemina McGloster at 601-957-7670 or by email at