Help Me Grow

Have questions about your child's development
Nationwide, it is estimated that approximately 12-16% of American children experience multiple developmental, educational, behavioral, and emotional delays or problems. To combat this statistic, Help Me Grow connects families to health and development resources and services so children start school healthy and ready to learn.
Mississippi Families for Kids hosts Help Me Grow events, known as Books, Balls, and Blocks throughout the year at no cost to Mississippi families. Events include opportunities to gather with others for training, encouragement, support, and professional screenings.
Each developmental screening offered through Help Me Grow is a snapshot of a child’s development at a single point in time. It complements ongoing observation, and can help you keep track of your child’s development from birth until age 5 in scheduled intervals. The screening used by Help Me Grow is a tested, valid, and reliable tool used by many health care providers.

5 separate areas are measured during a screening:

1) Communication: verbal abilities, which includes comprehension and expression
2) Gross Motor Skills: the use of arms, legs and other large muscle groups, to sit, crawl, walk, run, and other activities
3) Fine Motor Skills: the coordination and movements of hands and fingers
4) Problem Solving: how toys are played with and problems are solved
5) Personal-Social: abilities to help self and interact with other people
Upon completion of your child’s developmental screening, we will identify and explain any developmental areas that need attention and connect you and your child with the proper health care provider and resources.
Let us focus on your child’s development so you can focus on their future.
For more information or to book a screening, please email us at or follow us on social media to stay in the loop on screening events near you.